ZigZak Computers
Virus & Spyware Removal
Slow computer? Random pop-ups warning of serious virus infections? You may be a victim of a computer fraud! Viruses, Spy-ware, and Mal-ware will eventually cause your computer to become unusable. In the majority of cases we can disinfect and clean without resorting to a full reinstall.
Computer Repairs & Upgrades
We will upgrade almost any brand system to your requirements. Available upgrades include hard drives, memory, software, add-on cards, optical drives, graphics, cooling, and power supplies.
Screen Replacements
Replacement laptop screens can be supplied and fitted from £90 (price is for a 15.6″ standard LED screen – price will vary for other types and sizes). Cracked, dull, fuzzy, or corrupt display are all signs of a screen or inverter problem. We can repair virtually all makes and models.
Laptop Power Socket Repairs
A common laptop problem is a broken power input socket – we can repair virtually all such problems – in most cases replacing the power socket with a brand new one. Prices can vary, but generally we can do most replacements for a fixed £70 charge (including parts).
Remote Assistance
In many cases we can schedule remote support sessions – taking remote control of your computer from our office allows us to deal with many issues quicker.